September 4, 2023
Mrs JC
September 4, 2023

“It was extremely stressful trying to set-up this operation. I predicted that it was going to be challenging, since so many doctors had to work together, and that is why I started the procedures in February already. However, I had to continually follow-up on the progress and there was hardly any communication to me regarding when the operation was happening.  Eventually it felt like I had to beg and plead for it to finally be done.

Friendliness of Dr Roytowski:  Outstanding!

Ability of Dr Roytowski to put you at ease: I never expected him to be so gentle and have such good bedside manners.  Usually specialists of his stature do not have such calming effects on patients.

Perhaps things were just more confusing since I did not consult Dr Roytowski in the rooms as well, but I found communication generally lacking.  What was especially confusing was an email that was sent from the accounts department with “general/generic” information regarding hospital admission times, yet the body of the email contained information saying that Tilana will contact me personally to confirm my admission time. Tilana never contacted me.  When I emailed the email address on the website, Dr Roytowski replied and all was resolved.  To staff who deal with this every day it might not seem like a big deal, but to a nervous patient, this kind of thing causes a lot of confusion and stress.

I had concern regarding my check-in times, but when I emailed Dr Roytowski, my email was answered within minutes.”